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 cone - cylindrical gearbox
 spiral bevel gear set
 custom built gearbox
ready for shipment

Manufacture custom built

Bevel Helical Gearbox



Flexibility, own production facility and knowledge of gear technology are typical feature to PALINIKO.


The company strives to keep knowledge at the highest level as a quality of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) by the development of new gearboxes and machines, made by the newest technologies.

The engineers from the Engineering Department supervise ready gearboxes for the modifications which were made.


Custom Built Gearbox


The shown Gearbox was disigned for the Cement Industry.

Parameters of the gearbox:


  • distance between centers - 800mm.
  • approximately weight - 800kg.


Usually, the customers only need to leave desired gearbox, axel centre – to centre distances and the power for a new  gearbox to be built.


In short terms our engineers discuss the project and do the calculations together with the customers.

After receiving the order, we make drawings of all parts of the gearbox and starts manufacturing.

That type of succession give us opportunity to design, modify, make and supply high quality custom built gearbox within three months.


2D and 3D drawing software is also used to design and modify gearbox parts, for example calculating of stresses, own frequinces and e.t.c.


Need a custom built bevel helical gearbox, Paliniko is your decision.